Sunday, July 19, 2009

Camry is like new again!

Well, the poor Camry has been sitting for 2 years. We have been battling to get a copy of the title with California DMV since we moved up here. We finally got it, and I got her registered to in Oregon. Other than a dead battery that quickly charged, she runs like she did the day we bought her in 1995. So, you can imagine how bad she looked after 2 hard winters and being covered in pine pitch and needles. Mikey's best friend's dad is a car detailer in Sunriver and he did an awesome job getting her looking brand new again. I was amazed at how clean he was able to get her and to even make her oxidized paint shine again. So, if you are in Sunriver and need a car detail go see Casey at Sunriver Auto Detailing in the Sunriver business park.

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