I have been negligent in my blogging, again! But so much has been happening in the past month and a half, I haven't had time - I swear!

First, Chris went to California for a few days to play in a golf tournament to benefit a scholarship set up in Jillian's name. He had a blast! Above is a picture of Dennis, Eric, Chris and Scott at the tournament. It was held at Rancho Vista Golf Course in Palmdale and was a tremendous success. I have a photo album of the event on the left side of the blog if you would like to see more pictures.

Then, in the beginning of July, Jenn and the boys came for a visit. Above is Jenn, Seth and Sam at Koosah Falls.

And then... Brenda and Hailey came up for a week to visit as well. Unfortunately, poor Eric had to stay home and spend his birthday alone as well because he got an exciting new job and couldn't get time off. But steady employment sure beats the on-again off-again jobs he has been used to. Anyway.... Above is Brenda and Hailey at Benham Falls. Aren't they cute??
Well, that is about it... Now we can focus on building Chris's garage, which is coming along well. The cement is nearly done, they pour the slab this week and we are hoping to begin framing the walls this weekend.